Thursday, September 26, 2013

Don't Stop Chasing Butterflies...

Life’s decisions weren’t made for dummies. Many times we make rash or drastic decisions based on emotion instead of rational thought or fact.  We don’t foresee the pain ahead.  We live in the now, and truly believe if we follow that little voice in our head, then our happily ever after ending will soon come true.  That fate can be seen in the distance.  All the while, never seeing how we may hurt or lose something so near and dear to us.  I thought of this the other day.  When I was seeking my own happiness, I truly believed I was doing it for the better of myself and my children.  I felt smothered when I was married.  I was unhappy, and I wasn’t free spirited or caring as I once had been.  I resented caring for people because I cared so many years for a man who didn’t or couldn’t give to me in the ways I needed.  He took me for granted and in turn I did the same to him.  I reached a point I could no longer hold on.  I didn’t do this on my own.  I leaned on friends, or made up destinies in my head.  I told myself my children would be much happier growing up knowing their mother the way she should be and not what she had become.  I never imagined those three short years later, I would be blogging in my bed and my children living across the world from me.  I never imagined I would cry myself to sleep every night just at the thought of them, or feeling so alone, I just turn myself off and sit in front of my IPHONE for hours.  Because ultimately, not feeling is much better than feeling anything at all. 

When we go thru hard times, we tell ourselves and friends that “everything happens for a reason”.  I’ve said it many times to friends.  I mock the thought that a parent who loses a child to custody or death can fathom that this ultimately happened for a reason.  You resent the fact that there are so many dead beat mothers and fathers out there, yet you, who love your children with all your heart, are forced to live away from them. I’ve ultimately realized my decision was selfish and I am now paying the price for it.  The BIG Problem with marriage nowadays is we go into with the thought that, hey if this doesn’t work, well We can just get a divorce.  We marry extremely young, and instead of focusing on how to grow together, our personalities are so different by the time we are in our mid 20’s, we merely just stick around because it’s either comfortable or for the children.  I find that sad, because I will tell you that I never thought I would lose friends or my kids with this decision that I made.  And I now ask myself….Was it worth it?

When we make these life changing decisions, if that’s to divorce, marry, cheat, run away, break up, take a step back and examine all the consequences of your actions.  I am a firm believer in living in the present.  We must make decisions that ultimately affect the now, but one thing we forget to consider is are we ultimately changing our destiny due to our own impatience?  I am not telling you not to follow your gut, but what I am saying is you must get to a point where you line up with your decisions.  You must truly believe in your decision so you can manifest the destination to which you want to achieve.  We often find ourselves lost when we take action before you find alignment to which your goal you wanted to achieve.  I will be honest, and friends here in Germany can attest this is the truth.  As soon as I moved in, I told a few friends I did not see my children in my home.  I just couldn’t visualize them there with me.  You could call it a premonition or was I manifesting my destiny before it could even happen.

So now we have covered our life falling apart, manifesting the evils we trying so hard to run from, how do we crawl out of this valley we are stuck in?  I’m not sure, I can tell you that, but I can also tell you what I plan on doing….I’m going to chase butterflies, or in other words follow my impulses.  If you take the time to stay off the subject of intention, your impulse will lead you to a rendezvous in the right direction.  Focus on the now and the positivity you so desire.  Treat all people with kindness, and separate yourself from dramatic situations which no longer serve your impulses.  Because if you get too caught up in the intention of a desire, you lose focus of what butterflies are worth being chased because you are so centered on one intention.

My goal is to convince you to truly believe that the Universe is already aligning my future and yours.  You don’t need to ask for more because you just stir up the negative emotions that go along with the desire…Just let go…Tell yourself I’ve already asked and the universe is working it out, now I just need to get in the place to let it in.  Our biggest mistake is we believe we have to work hard and that if we work hard the break will come only in the struggle.  But instead, we need to believe that if the break comes it will be in spite of the struggle and if it comes in spite of the struggle, it won’t be that bad of a break.  It’s all about trust and believing you are worthy and deserving what you ask for from the universe.  The only thing that is standing against you achieving everything you ask for from the universe is you simply don’t believe you really deserve it.  There is great love for you here.  It’s up to you to believe it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Welcome to the Facebook show and Law of Attraction

I think that Apple products combined with Facebook will be the end of demise for our current generation.  I seriously wake up every morning and as I drink my coffee I check Facebook.  I take my phone everywhere.  I seriously believe that I check Facebook at least 30-50 times a day. I will spend hours on it at night, seeking some new sort of information that generates my interest.  Is our own lives so boring that we have to read about other friends lives to take up our time.  In my 34 years, I would say that the technological age took a hard shift in about 1997-1999 right after I graduated high school and while at my first base.  This is when cell phones became so abundant.  Still the introduction of the smart phone is what really killed it.  This didn’t happen to me until about 2009 because I lived overseas, and my cell was for calling people or texting.  But what did the introduction of the cell phone do? It took away the need to communicate with people directly.  Then texting, e-mailing, etc, quickly eliminated any need of personal contact at all…And now…well now FACEBOOK is a cancer that is at a stage 4 in a lot of our lives.

I understand it’s your page, say what you want, post, or share whatever, but at the same time, I am the reader, what if I don’t want to read or see what you have to say.  Now I know you instantly want to defend yourself, but here me out on this one.

First off, you choose your friends.  The people who see your every move is by your choice and yours alone.  A friend is someone you trust, will not judge you, or use your mistakes to their advantage.  Nor, will they do anything that would hurt you.  Therefore, your reason to state why someone is not being a friend, as if they are going to read your status boggles me.  Why are they on your page in the first place? People don’t become shady overnight, so bottom line you either need to learn what a friend is or you need to filter your friends list, because I, your friend, don’t want to hear empty threats of deletion or telling someone off, when all I have done is be your friend. I simply don’t need that type of drama or negativity in my life.

Second.  Why do you threaten deletion? If you don’t like someone, why make an announcement to each and every one that you are going to delete people.  I have seen many reasons, as many of you reading this now too have and in all they all in....CONSIDER YOURSELF DELETED BY THE TIME YOU FINISH READING THIS POST.  Really?! Why the empty threats.  Have you engaged yourself in social media so much that you can’t even confront your so called friend one on one.  Think about 5th grade. If your best friend made you mad, you passed a note in class to her or him or called it out on the playground. You didn’t pass a note each and every person in hopes they (your so called best friend) might see it, and as well get a poster made and tape it on the door, YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE.   My point here is our children are already engrossed in this type of behavior.  We are the teachers, the groomers, we are building the next generation.  The generation where every child gets a trophy for trying.  And we are simply passing down a toxic form of communication down as adults. We wonder why children and young adults are weaker today than when we were teenagers.  The simple truth is lack of confrontation and I believe we use the word friend loosely.  If someone is your true friend, you wouldn’t have to defend yourself on Facebook, because honestly, I just don’t want to see it. Oh did I already say that? Yea I did.
Third, why do we feel we need to use Facebook as a mirror to our soul.  Now I know, you see an image, and you feel passion behind it, so it’s your page, go ahead and share it.  Its your damn page in the first place. I do it; it’s nice to see something you relate to, because ultimately it is your page.  However, what I am discussing is when you change your status or share a picture because you want someone to see it.  If you wanted them to see it that bad, and you know in your heart that this picture is for one person, why not text it to them,  or message it to them.  Why post it for all of your friends to see.  And lastly, If you aren’t in texting status anymore, why the hell are they on your Friends list?

My last plan of thought here is FACEBOOK has become a valid personality test. I can see which of my friends are single, married, going thru a divorce etc.  I know if you are in a relationship and trying to reach out of it. I can tell what is going on in someone's lives merely because of statuses, self pictures, or images. You have made it easy for me to see if you are needy, a gold digger, happy alone, or emotionally unattached and not ready to grow up.  And I think it is really sad.  Just because I know I have had my moments too.  So I’m going to close with this.  If all you are experiencing is negative events or dealings with negative people, check your Facebook page on your last year of statuses… I can almost guarantee you will only see negative posts.  You are attracting what you put off.  Find peace in yourself, eliminate those who do not bring you positivity, and pay kindness forward.  Think before you post, and always do the right thing because you want to, not because of what you want someone to see it. 
Keep in mind that truthful words are not always beautiful, beautiful words are not always truthful. So be right in your own setting and what you say will be delivered just as you intended.  Fear and Anger are fed with fire, don't fuel that fire and it will die, and those who bring you such negativity will no longer have a purpose in your life.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Learning to Walk Sets you FREE! Now its's Time to DANCE!!!

Life after you, and you, and you....

Taking back your heart and what you’re willing to give to the world is the most rewarding feeling I have ever encountered in my life.  I don’t see any of my experiences as failures, but I feel that they were put in front of me to take bits of lessons and apply them to where I am now.  I’ve made a few mistakes over the last 2 years since my divorce.  Some personal and some professional, but “Hey”…isn’t that expected when we are learning.  We don’t tell our children they will never walk, or carry them throughout their lives when they take those first steps.  No!  They fall down, and we gently pick them back up and tell them to do it again.  This is what I have done, and what I urge anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or any sense of failure in your life.  We learn a lot in the Air Force.  One thing that is ingrained in our minds are the four components of wellness.  They are Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Social.  When we are at one with these four areas, our soul is sound.  And there will be times when one area is completely F@$#d up, and that’s when you know, it’s time to take your life back.  Let’s discuss…..

Spiritual-I have many friends who are very spiritual and others that are not.  I don’t believe this focuses on the bible nor any other lord you may worship.  What I think spiritual wellness refers to, is knowing exactly what you want and who you are.  Not being afraid to take a chance, even if it’s the scariest thing you have done your whole life.  Because in the end, you never fail.  You would never know if you succeeded unless you tried, and in my opinion, trying is NEVER failing.  Like I said earlier, we never think a toddler fails when he falls learning to walk, so why are we so hard on ourselves.  The bottom line measure here, is loving yourself first.  When you find love in yourself, you will experience something unconditional.  You know longer linger for a text, fret when you don’t hear from someone, or doubt yourself.  Because you love you.  And if they love you, they’ll come around, and if they don’t , thank the God you do or don t believe in that they have allowed you to move on.

Emotional-…….hmmmm….do I go at a woman’s approach here or a man’s.  I recently asked a question to my men out there how they feel about women.  Is sex like going to gym? Do they have to be attracted to a woman to sleep with her? And how do we know if a man ever really even liked us and simply wasn’t just using us for sex.  We women are some emotional freaks.  It boils down to cave man times, while during sex a serotonin is released from our brain that attaches us to the man we are sleeping with.  Well WOMEN, if you want to act like a man, think like one, THEN START ACTING LIKE A LADY.  Case in point, we WILL NEVER  be men.  We will never get what we want, by allowing someone to use us. Realize WE run the game.  We decide if we want you or not.  If they don’t put in the effort, well they didn’t want you bad enough.  I would rather lose someone thru texting because I didn’t give it up, then give it up, develop feelings, and linger for their responses.  Once you find this, you don’t care who texts you anymore.  You are so self-confident in who you are and what you can give to someone, that you wake up everyday, and text yourself Good Morning Beautiful!  I kid….But seriously, God it feels good.  My last point here, is quit tearing yourself apart about what was wrong with you.  A great quality of mine, is I am friends with almost every guy I have semi-dated or really dated in the past two years.  Well that’s if I want to be.  And the bottomline, while most of them are the ones who pulled away first, I have learned that it was never about me.  It was them, where they were at in their lives.  And this is confirmation to me, because I never reach back to an ex. EVER….I’m stubborn that way, but I’m also very grateful, they came back into mine to teach and reaffirm any doubts I had when I was weak.

Physical-We all struggle on the physical side.  We never feel were enough, and we are the most judgmental of ourselves.  INCLUDING ME!!! Here’s honesty… I weighed in yesterday at 135 lbs. EEEEKKKKK!  Now I know I have a lot of friends who would love to weigh 135 pounds, but for me, I am DYING.  I embrace my curves, my butt is def getting bigger, which I LOVE lol…but I really love being 125 lbs.  I don’t know it is about that number, but I feel my best at it.  So it doesn’t matter what shape magazine wants you to be, what your partner wants, what your personal trainer wants, because in the end, if you don’t want it…ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!  You will motivate yourself.  And ask a friend.  Many people probably admire everything about you.  They love your shape, they love your curves, and many men or women lol…think you are attractive.  Recent story…I’m feeling like shit, 10 lbs heavier than normal, but still looking good ;-)…met a couple a girls at class, who have become good friends of mine in the last few weeks, and they come up to me the first time we met, and was like “I want your body”…Now while I’m over here, tearing myself apart…I’m motivating others to do well for themselves.  So take a second look sometimes.  While I love my jeans…and my besties KNOW I love ‘em tight! If I want it bad enough, I’ll lose it, and if I don’t, well I still know I’m a motivator for others.

Social-I LOVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!! I love the extroverts, I love the introverts, I love the controllers, and I love the followers.  We make up a pretty interesting world.  And without a few of each one, chaos would break OUT!!!  Can you imagine everyone in your social group being introverted or controlling.  Man, I think we would either die of silence or fight for power.  The dynamics of friendship are amazing.  And having a few good friends is much better than having a lot of peeps.  Think of friends like a relationship.  If you are giving more and they don’t give anything, then it’s time to move on.  We’ve all had the good and the bad, all I’m saying is with age, the less are more sturdy and you know you can depend on them.  I would just say….there is always someone who needs you.  Don’t be judgmental.  Never is anyone too good for someone else.  There are times, that we just need someone to listen to us.  Keep that in mind next time you are too busy to talk to someone you know or even your child.

So since I am asking you to be vulnerable in a sense, I will be vulnerable too.  Coco Channel wraps me up in a nutshell, and any man you ask about me will say exactly what is below, and in the end…I’m still learning to walk….

“It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he’s terribly strong. And if he’s stronger than I, I’m the one who can’t live with him.   I’m neither smart nor stupid, but I don’t think I’m a run-of-the-mill person. I’ve been in business without being a businesswoman; I’ve loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men I’ve loved, I think, will remember me, on earth or in heaven, because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. I’ve done my best, in regard to people and to life, without precepts, but with a taste for justice.”
Coco Chanel


Monday, March 11, 2013


I haven’t blogged much lately, and can’t really explain why except I think it is easier to feel emotions and talk yourself thru them when you are really going thru some drama in your life.  I have definitely experienced some drama this year and in saying that, I think I have finally come to a point in my life that none of it makes sense, nor am I enticed to entertain it anymore.  Particular addictions (who were mostly men) have now vanished, and the only person that truly matters to me anymore is….well me.  I love the feeling.  It’s numbing yet, at the same time I have never felt so full in my life.  While I can’t say I am completely alone, as I have found someone I really do like to fill my time while I am still in America, well the sensation really isn’t there. He is handsome, successful, amazing body, funny, sweet, well shit everything I have been looking for in someone, but for some reason I am okay that I know it is not the right time.  I don’t crave him, I don’t text him, I simply wait for him to chase me. It really is a bit easier.  And well if we don’t talk, well I guess were not going to talk until he approaches me.  I just don’t have time for it anymore.  When I am with him, I leave him with good spirits, enticing conversation, and memories he can crave for more.  That is good enough for me at this point.  While cruising on Facebook today, an old flame of mine posted something that made me think.  He said that SOMETIMES LOSING YOUR BALANCE FOR LOVE IS PART OF BALANCING YOUR LIFE…Wow…You all don’t understand how that hit me.  You see this recently happened to me.  I completely threw my life upside down for love.  I ultimately risked my career.  Everything I had built over 15 years.  My reputation, my potential, my heart. And when some of my best friends asked me WHY WHY WHY would you do this, I couldn’t answer.  Its that spark you know.  The ping in your stomach when that certain person touches you. The electrical sensation you feel when you kiss. Or the connection you felt when you made love. It’s something…well its something that is irreplaceable.  You see I knew I really loved this man, because in the end, there is no way I can be friends with him.  I don’t want to talk to him; I don’t want to think of him, I just need to move on in my life.  And I know that there is really no deal breaking or straw that broke the camel’s back that put me at this point, it’s just I really did love him with all my heart.  So did I lose my balance for love?  Yes I really did.  It’s been a long and hard journey, but ultimately, all of the lessons I have gained from it has made me who and placed me where I am today. I am an incredible woman, found my motivation to finish my Master's degree.  Potentially may get selected for a position I would love to have in Germany, and lastly, well I finally realize the only opinion that truly matters is my own. He was a friend to me, a close friend, and him as many others pointed out that I love to fast and hard.  I see that now.  I also see it is not a bad thing, but it’s about finding the balance of loving yourself first and it being enough.  Once you find that balance you then can truly love someone else.  This is when your life begins. This is what life is about. I always say...Live your life, dont let it live you. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

All is Fair in Love and Addiction? What say You...

It has been said men are from Mars and women are from Venus…If this is the case, how the heck we all ended up on earth with no manual on how to properly interact with each other is beyond me.  Instead, we go thru lesson after lesson trying to grasp what is right and what is wrong in our current situation. 

Unfortunately, the way we learn love is the love we will exuberate later in our own lives.  It is the environment we grew up in, and ultimately, what we know to be true in our hearts.  When I use the word addictive, the spectrum is so much grander; it’s almost simplistic to just focus on this one feature.  An individual can be addicted to many things and may have been exposed to more than the basics a person from a so called normal upbringing would list.  For example, the first thing we think of in regards to addiction is alcohol or drugs. But many individuals are addicted too so much more.  This could be love; fear of loneliness, sex, emotional abuse, etc…The list goes on and on.  The thing a child who is exposed to these terms must realize is no matter your upbringing, you must take charge of your own life and decide how you will raise your family.  Will you repeat your pattern? Ultimately, in reality it is all up to you.

I have noticed my own form of addictive relationships I have gotten myself into.  First and foremost, I often see the potential in what I think someone could be.  I often fall in love with that potential and don’t take what I am seeing directly in front of me.  It’s almost as if I have on horse blinders over my eyes, and I look forward in their future.  This allows me to forgive the present state and stay in love with the potential of the person.  Often, when it doesn’t work out I would ask myself, what did I do wrong, why wasn’t it me? Well the other day I realized it really never had anything to do with me in the first place.  In actuality we were the most realistic part of this persons’ life.  This is why this person, couldn’t give you everything, but refused to let you go....Until they sank deeper in their make believe world, or you decided not to be their scapegoat any longer, are either one of you able to move on in your lives. 
Human beings are guarded individuals and we normally only share our innermost thoughts with a few people in our lives.  Overtime we are able to share our secrets, addictions, and our true self because we know the other person with whom we share it with will accept it.  The person who is addicted turns to you because you let them be themselves, don’t judge and continue to love them unconditionally.  Unfortunately, in reality, you have allowed yourself to love this person the only way you know how to love, because you have accepted them for who they truly are, and its possible you are addicted to thier behavior.  The difference for you and them is the reason they are addicted in the first place is because they can’t handle their reality at this present moment in time.  This is why they haven’t given themselves to you fully.  Thus, they create a fake world per say in which they can spiral downwards into their addiction and not face what truly is eating them alive every single day.  In this fake world, they keep these secrets to themselves, and the individuals they do allow in it do not know their trials and tribulations.  However, living unrealistic, well…is unrealistic, and that is why they haven’t completely let you go.  This is why you, the closest reality they know.....You will come and go, you will be the person who is merely being used for their gratification at times when they need it.  Since reality is something they subdue, you need to evaluate the situation and evaluate your worth in this relationship.

Once upon a time, I had a man who I called my best friend.  He was an alcoholic. In the end he is neither my best friend, nor my friend anymore.  I am not suggesting you cut every single person out of your life that doesn’t give you what you want or desire.  But love is love, and if you feel more distress in a relationship then feeling blessed, then this person is not right for you.  You are not the magic drug. In the end of you analyzing their addiction, maybe its time we turn the focus back on ourselves.  Maybe they have a problem, but if you were weak enough to deal with it, then maybe you are addicted to their behavior or style of love.  It has made me evaluate what I may be addicted to in terms of behavior or even love.  Sometimes jumping from one addiction to another is just a form for us not to feel our real feelings.  It’s time to move on my loves.  It’s just a chapter in the past, do not close the book, just turn the page and re-write your own ending.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chickens Lay…People Lie…Don't be a bathroom break.

Many times not seeing something is easier to accept than facing it with your own eyes. To feel the disrespect while you are with someone you love is harder to handle then finding out thru a second source with your own eyes.  At a time in my life that I hold the term of Love at a high value, and I still have allowed myself to fall for one or two people…well I wont lie, I have fallen in love with two people in the past two years.  I would say that’s not too shabby.  I can’t explain why or how it happened, yet it did. I don’t know why I did. From the beginning I knew in the end I might hurt, yet I still chose to follow my heart.  This is something I have always struggled with. Loving someone so much it ends up hurting me.  The weird thing is I always leave an impression.  Too many times becoming the unknown to someone else.  Some will see your kindness as a weakness and use it against you and well sometimes there are people who genuinely laid out a road map for you to follow, and you chose not to stay on course.  I don't believe there is a mapquest set up for falling in love.  We take this road unknown because ultimately you love the travels.

At some point though, you might hit a dead end.  This can be shocking to the person, or maybe you saw it coming. Either way I believe that you must remember the joy of the memories shared and simply flip a u-turn.  Experience is what will make you a focused and more self aware person.  These circumstances will give you the strength you will need the next time you hit a road block.  I was told recently that (A) I put up with too much and (B) Am the most unexplainable woman...These two comments caught me off guard a bit.  I tried to take this conversation with a grain assault because I know that individuals can handle pain in 2 about it and move on, or be the mean one because shifting blame or leaving something negatively is much easier for the person to move on in their life.  I am the first one for sure.  I simply do not enjoy drama, and would like to simply discuss the matter and move on in my life.  When this happens to you, just try to be the first one.  No one wants to remember you as an "Asshole".  Now...I am not perfect, very very very far from it.  I recently did a very mean thing to someone I love.  Was it this persons' fault, yes. Did they deserve it? Yes..However, I would much rather have been the one who didn't have to be the Asshole.  It doesn't feel good and you end up hurting more than one person. And I tell you it gets worse, but that is not a story for this blog, however, I am glad I stood up for myself. Just dont like the pain it caused.

However, being the Asshole sometimes is required for someone to fully grasp hold of their self respect and what they would settle for.  I on one hand try to be honest and respectful, but once upon a time I was put into a situation of distrust and that sent me into a frenzy.  I went thru someones phone...oooooh bad idea.  Why is it we just don't follow our gut?  When you feel something is occurring, more than likely it is.  Cell phones have become a cancer to relationships in today’s world.  They create an atmosphere of curiosity and distrust.  We have created an environment of instant gratification.  No longer are the days of love letters, or earning someone’s love.  Oh no…it’s much easier now.  At this point in our life, we can simply send a simple excuse during a bathroom break and pictures throughout the day to portray this person on another line is the only thought of our day.  Unfortunately for them, they don’t see the picture of this person holding another person’s hand throughout the day, or whispering I love you in their ear.  Why have we become this way?  Too feel we can balance so many lives of happiness, which all surround our own ways of living.  It really is such a selfish way to look at things. Over the past year, I have seen this way too many times.  Individuals diving into your persona and expressing that they love you or someone else, while all at the same time, they have someone else’s happiness who is balancing in the distance. It is really a depressing circumstance.  And I would be lying if I said I have not done it myself in the past. However, at this point, I have realized loved and relationships are harder to plan than a well thought out circus show.

Well on my quest of passing Go and collecting $200 for my future game of monopoly life, I think that we as People really have to stop looking for the negative to push us out of a situation.  We were given the gift of feeling what is going on.  Things in life do not have to end negative all the time, and we should be grateful for what we have endured.  I shared this on my facebook today and I hope what you read next will leave lasting affects on your choices of life.  Be grateful, for I am.  I love and have felt love during my life. Those memories will never fade.

"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be – a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger – but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment... they will affect your life in some profound way. Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones. If someone loves you, give love back to them in whatever way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make anything you wish of your life. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. And if you love someone tell them, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. Learn a lesson in life each day that you live! Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday. Was it worth it?" (Author Unknown)
And my last pieces of advice...Forgiveness will always set you free, because love me or hate me, I will always be in your heart or your mind, and Never..Never be someones bathroom break.