Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fan the Flames of a Cold Heart

Loving someone with a cold heart is hard to do.  When you are with them, you get slight glimpses of their soul, and within days you can feel the tension that encompasses their aura.  You put time and effort into chiseling the beautifully crafted ice sculpture, however, it seems your attempts to put a dent in their icy surroundings goes unnoticed and are even more are unwelcomed.   

Cold hearts are nature’s way of protecting the fire that burns within.  Its like a volcano that steams below the earth, peaked and protected by a thick core mountain top draped in soft snow.  The layers of protection to keep the fire burning within are endless, and the last thing anyone wants to do is unleash that passion without being prepared to be engulfed with hot lava.

Cold hearts are afraid.  This is because they were once warm, even hot.  Believing and trusting the intentions of everyone they ever met.  They believe do unto others as you want done to you.  It brings them joy to make another person smile.  It’s almost as if they walk a romantic life everyday, just without the romance.  Whether, friend, lover, or foe, a cold heart will always consider your feelings and attempt to accept your pain, because only a cold heart knows what it feels like to be lied to, hurt, and broken. 

Cold hearts are beautiful and possibly one of the most amazing things another can experience.   They distant themselves from painful feelings because they don’t want to feel.  Not in an “I don’t want to feel at all sense”, but more of an “I am currently at my pain threshold, and I need you to understand that”.   Hurt hurts, and doing it alone is even harder.  If you are not alone at this moment, you will never understand that.  Don’t question a cold heart.  Ultimately, a cold heart was once just something that loved to hard.

So when you meet this cold heart, love them harder. Fan the flames and show them that love and honesty are achievable.  The heart is like snow, beautiful but cold, and sometimes, some people are worth melting for.  Love it anyway!