Friday, July 31, 2020

Losing Yourself in Contentment

Have you ever been so content in your life you didn’t even realize you were the reason you weren’t 100% happy? Unhappiness comes in a variety of forms, sometimes starting very early childhood, past traumas, hearts broken over your life, or simply overcoming all of those things to create a wall so tall, you yourself don’t even know how to climb over it or break it. 
Many times most of us are so stuck in our past  we can’t even recognize the pain or where we are stuck. We know something is off, but putting our finger on that one moment is impossible for us to see or to even fix. There is no one who wants to feel lost, it’s just we don’t know where we are to even find our way out. 
Many who are like this are overachievers. We normally are the ones who appear to have everything together, know what we want, and can accomplish all things another can only fathom. 
What I will tell you is all these things are true, but they aren’t for our better self. They are simply distractions. Distractions from not knowing where we are and how to find our way out. We focus on anything other than ourselves. And by self I mean fully accepting that we have failed at one thing, and that one thing is having internal happiness. 
I don’t write this to state many like me are weak or something is wrong with us. For we are not weak, we are the strongest individuals you will ever meet. What we aren’t is perfect. And for the most part what we aren’t is fully accepting of our traumatic lives we’ve endured and we are lost and just need help finding our way home. 
Finding our way home requires love. If that’s in relationships, friendships, and companionships. What it is not is filling voids for a mere moment to make feeling lost not seem as bad as it really is. These voids come in relationships, friendships and companionships. 
For me personally, I have always been one hell of a goal getter! If I put my mind to something or on someone, nothing stops me from getting my goal. However, with heartbreak or pain of losing, as humans we learn to disengage at some point, because accepting we are lost is a lot easier than trying to find our way out. We call these trials. And for a strong person no trial will ever crush us, but it will hurt us. 
We often tend to subdue these losses with outside influences to remind us of what we think finding our way out would really feel like. 
Yet, with each step forward we don’t realize we are only walking blinded and only digging deeper and deeper into the darkness we are trying to escape from. 
So how do you/we escape? How do we find our way out and find the peace we seek. Well I believe, you must first quit doing things that cause you to feel any type of insecurity. If you continue to cater to these false promises of helping you find your way home, you will he lost forever. Second, no one can help you find your way out. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable and accepting you may remain lost or you will listen to the voices that don’t take from you and you will ultimately find your path to freedom. And lastly, you must look at the place you are stuck in and question, am I really lost at all? Or am I simply afraid that in the moment of feeling lost, I will choose to not accept this is the place I am meant to be and make this my new home. 
Ultimately we choose and make our own happiness. The standards of happiness differ for all, so maybe yours or my happiness really isn’t being lost at all, but it may be the path to a new beginning. Maybe....just maybe....this is a second chance to create a new future and ending. Be aware, accept love that is around you, and never forget that no matter how lost you feel, you are in charge of creating a new direction to a new life. There is great love for you out there, it’s up for you to believe in it.