Last night I tossed and turned until at least 4 AM. My mind was racing 100 miles an hour over
issues my friends are facing, ordeals I had been pushing thru, and with the
weight of the world I put on my own shoulders, I was trying to find words of
advice that would help us all thru these chapters we call life. I eventually drifted off to sleep, and woke
not more than 2 hours later, shivering and ultimately a little disturbed by the
dream I had been having. In my dream,
there seemed to be a lot of chaos, fighting, and a general tone of unhappiness,
but at one point in the dream I looked at the back of my leg, and when I looked
at my calf, I noticed the abnormal look of the skin on the back of my
legs. Covering my legs, was an intense
and dark appearance, with sharp tips in the form of tear drops covering every
inch of calves. Disturbingly representing
Alligator or Fish scales. The view caught me off guard and I noticed that the
scales seemed to be flaking off, in the same fashion a fresh tattoo begins with
crisp lines, and at some point, the skin accepts it is damaged, and in order to
heal, the individual must exfoliate the old skin away. The symbolism of this dream was a direct representation
of myself at this point in my life. It was a general perception of my
subconscious. We all experience change
differently, and there is no set time on when we are healed. When a person goes
thru a change, they are shedding a part of their past. With each lesson learned in life, we tend to
shed the old and welcome the new. Curious
on what my subconscious was trying to tell me, I found that skin symbolized in
dreams means you are you're going through a change right now, and, though you
know it's a good change, you're still hesitant to go through with it. I dreamt I
was peeling off old, dead skin, which represents either a situation that's very
personal to me or the fact that you yourself are changing. Skin tends to link strongly to deeply
sensitive issues. But skin can also link to moments when you are looking
beneath the surface and giving an honest opinion about something. WELL Hello
Epiphany, and that is all she wrote! My subconscious has taught me another new
lesson. So many times throughout the
past 2 years I have felt I was healed, I had learned from my mistakes, and was
ready to move forward. I gathered that with
each challenge, I had learned my lessons, but ultimately, I was searching for
someone to give me a lesson which I needed to give too myself. My soul which
makes up my emotions and ultimately who I am is protected by this skin of mine,
and with each obstacle I face, my skin gets thicker. A human being has so many skins inside,
covering the depths of the heart. We
know so many things, but we don’t know ourselves. Why thirty or forty skins or
hides, as thick and hard as an ox or a bear cover's the soul. Go into your own
ground and learn to know yourself there.
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