Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gotta have F8th, da F8th, da F8tha!


Once upon a time, a beautiful woman learned what its like to have F8th...

“I am a victim of my own optimism”…Have I felt this...Yes..This is a deep realization once you feel the words and apply this to your life and your choices.  I have made some drastic changes in my life in order to see things more clearly, and I have to say this is the first time I actually feel AMAZING being me.  I seek no confirmation from anyone to make me feel whole, and I think the best part of what I have learned is that it is a privilege to be in my life, as I am a great friend, partner, and lover to those I love. The trip to happiness has not been an easy one at all. And I think it is amazing that I now meet people and see myself in them.  I feed them the same advice friends have fed me, but I know they won’t change until they are ready.  As we are creatures of habit, it takes being knocked down or hurt to learn and move forward.  Sometimes, we will go right back to it, and other times we will be strong enough to walk away, and ultimately we learn that all it takes is to have a little F8th. Simple steps to self worth but we all must walk before we can run.

Forgive First! There is no sense holding onto something that makes you feel bad. You either need to be strong enough to walk away from this person or you need to forgive them and move on. All holding onto something does is makes you think about it more, this will often change your attitude, and you will be hurt for longer periods.
Be Honest! If someone hurts you, tells them. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.  Only those that don’t really deserve you will walk away when you tell them your feelings. I am very honest now, with what I want in life, what I think about things, and how I feel if something happens to me.  I have learned that when we are not honest, that is when we tend to let things build and get angry.
Don’t Assume! When you don’t make an assumption about something, you do not have to worry about the top two items. Instead of being honest and asking and then getting upset and forgiving, we tend to avoid the conflict assume our own idea of the situation. Don’t read into things….Be still! When you don’t know what to do, just be!
Don’t Expect! To not expect an outcome, I think you need grab life as you have it now and LIVE. I don’t know why we tend to look so far into our future.  I once was terrible at this and this caused me to fall in love fast and set unrealistic expectations for my partners.  I could see their unlimited potential and wanted to be able to enhance their drive.  What we don’t realize is it has to be your Journey and no one else’s.  You see when you see someone’s unlimited potential you are setting a mark for them to reach and or not reach.  You are not allowing them or yourself to be present, because ultimately if they don’t meet it, they failed, and you now are focusing on the negative attributes of life.
Be Present! What does it take to take a deep breath and simply live in the moment. Why do we feel we need an answer to everything? There is something very serene to not having answers. I often feel numb. It’s not that I don’t have feelings nor that I don’t have a heart. Oh friends can attest I am one of the most emotional people around. BUT…you need to take your heart off your sleeve and lock it in your chest where it belongs. When the person who deserves to get it comes into your life, they will have the strength and dedication to unlock it and simply love you for you. Life is too short to be caught up in nonsense, so try to not waste your time in the past or future. If you tend to take your travels in the time machine, you are missing the wonderful present!
Be Positive! Thinking positive thoughts helps you gauge what is important in your life, and you will always walk around with a smile. Why tear yourself apart when you really don’t have all the answers, and if you really want the answers then ask. The power of positive thinking reminds the ego how wonderful you truly are. Positivity radiates and keeps your mind in a state of balance. Learn to shift your thoughts and find the lesson when things occur in your life.  Inventory your memories, and don’t compare yourself to anyone. 
Lastly, BE YOU! We are born unique, yet we try to blend into our culture, careers, or what others think or want of us.  There is nothing wrong with this, as long you don’t lose yourself in the process.  Do what you want to do, if you don’t like your job, quit and find one you love.  If you are unhappy in a relationship, leave and find someone who deserves you.  If you are unhappy with your looks, do something about it.  No matter what we are all perfectly imperfect!
Remember IT’s YOUR JOURNEY…For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a yen and a yang: for the yen of love there is anger; for the yang of destiny there is fear; for the yen of pain there is healing; for the yang of hurt there is forgiveness; for the yen of pride there is humility; for the yang of giving there is taking; for the yen of tears there is joy; for the yang of rejection there is acceptance; for the yen of judgment there is grace; for the yang of honor there is shame; for the yen of letting go there is the yang  of keeping. Have F8th for your Journey is yours and no one elses...

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