Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rose in No Man's Land

A Rose in No Man’s Land

Typically in historical times, the conventional mindset was war is a man’s fight.  However, there are more than 250 documented cases of women who served in the ranks of both the Union and Confederate armies dressed as men, an act at once rebellious and patriotic, using this usurped male social identity to claim full status as citizens of their nation and access male independence in an age when neither was available to women.  These sacrifices were at times patriotic, and at other times were out of love to remain close to their husbands.  These amazing women encountered intolerable conditions to change a society of suffrage and to give us the rights we are afforded to at this moment.  And to date, the total numbers of women who serve in the Department of Defense only make up approximately 14.5% of the total force. 

As a proud woman serving for almost two decades in the Air Force, I have come across a variety of women serving.  I would tell all who read this to never judge a book by its cover.  Treat a woman as an individual first, and allow them the opportunity to prove their dedication to the mission.  Being a girly girl myself, I have been misjudged many times over my career.  And of all that have been honest with me later on about judgment, told me that they judged me first on gender and personality and after I had earned their respect for my leadership and professionalism, exclaimed they would stand behind me any day in any battle.  I tell you this because it is honest, and many times we avoid honest facts as to not offend another individual.  I say instead of fearing judgments, be yourself, embrace your personality and characteristics you were born with, and show all those who work with you or for you what a “Jet Packing” lady looks like.

I know it’s not easy.  Our lives upbringings often dictate our behaviors and mentalities on many subjects.  Personally working with a “tribe” of women on the USAFE Inspector General, I have personally seen how many women adapt to the environment they work in to achieve success due to working in a male dominated career field. While I know this is a norm, I would preach to the young women in the Armed Forces to embrace your confidence and the characteristics that you carry as a woman.  One of these characteristics, personally my strongest trait and by far my favorite, is empathy.  Empathy is the ability to recognize and share people’s feelings and one of the most important tools in a leaders tool box. In Simon Sineks latest best selling book, he states, “the lesson I’m learning is that I’m useless by myself.  My success hinges entirely on the people I work with, people who enlist themselves to join me in my vision.”  Know your people, show them you care, and in the end, your people will take care of you regardless of gender.

Lastly, I would ask you contribute to the cycle of history.  Make our military a better place for all.  Understand that success and ideas are placed in your heart for a reason.  It is up to you to take a plan, put it into action, and be willing to stand behind it whether it succeed or fails.  Ultimately, if your passion furthered a program, you succeeded regardless.  Women are going to continually grow in our armed forces and acquire higher positions.  With these acquisitions of positions, the direction of our Armed Forces will change with broader understandings and innovative changes.  Areas of focus will further you, and your capabilities in the military.  For example when I joined the Air Force, GI Jane was once just a movie, but in my short time, women are now entering piloted programs to serve in active combat roles. 

I’ll conclude with this,a new personal legacy of mine that I will share with each of my female Airmen.

This is the story of a Rose in No Man’s Land.  It goes:

I've seen some beautiful flowers,
Grow in life's garden fair,
I've spent some wonderful hours,
Lost in their fragrance rare;
But I have found another,
Wondrous beyond compare.

There's a rose that grows on "No Man's Land"
And it's wonderful to see,
Tho' its spray'd with tears, it will live for years,
In my garden of memory.

It's the one red rose the soldier knows,
It's the work of the Master's hand;
Mid the War's great curse, Stands the Red Cross Nurse,
She's the rose of "No Man's Land".

Out of the heavenly splendour,
Down to the trail of woe,
God in his mercy has sent her,
Cheering the world below;
We call her "Rose of Heaven",
We've learned to love her so.

While the story of a Rose in No Man’s Land once stood for our Red Cross nurses who supported men in combat, I say we broaden this mindset to all women in the Armed Forces now.  Because, while just a flower, a rose withstands life in some of the harshest environments, yet stands strong with beauty throughout all seasons.  Congratulations! You are now the roses of no man’s land.  Let’s leave a legacy and continue to stand strong and stand tall!