What weighs on your mind? I have gotten to a place where I am so secure with myself that not much weights on my mind. I don’t let the little things get to me as I used to. I have realized that these hardships are only insecurities we create in our own head. Heed example. A man and woman start to converse. The woman is instantly wrapped up. Because of men she has dated in the past, she applies the insecurities to this current situation, and BOOM! Shit implodes. Accusations, Large TEXTING letters of how you wont settle for his shit…Well OK, maybe this isn't every situation, but I guarantee you it happens 99 percent of the time. And why does this happen? Well I will tell you why I think why…It boils down to something we call our self worth and what most women tend to do…Romanticize the idea of a “honda”..okay lets use a “pinto in this case. And in shitty cars I am referring to shitty men. The better the cars get, then the better the men get.
The differences between men a women are huge!!! Listen hard ladies…because this is something you already know but don't want to face. We buy cars that appeal to us. The new KIA is pretty damn awesome, beautiful and sleek, yet would I buy one? Nope. Why??? Well its just not my type of car. It doesn't mean the car isn't amazing. Its just not my type of car. The problem that lies with most women is we think because we aren't a Lexus, well then we are not a quality product. Well I am telling you to quit comparing yourself to a different brand. All ethnicity's are beautiful. There are plenty of men who love the KIA and not the Lexus. I mean come on, a Lexus is pretty high maintenance…OK enough of the cars…What I am trying to say is you identify what your self worth is. If you are having a problem figuring that out, please take a moment to self reflect. Ill tell you my self worth. Notice it is not plural…Its purposely singular and boils down to one thing. RESPECT. If you don't respect me, you will not be around for long. Respect surrounds everything I have become over the last few years. And there is nothing that I will do to succumb to jeopardizing the self respect I have for myself. I will not change who I am. I will not accept mediocrity. And I will not spend my time trying to rebuild a damn pinto into a Jaguar.
But the real problem is why??? Why do we women try to build or change someone into someone they are not. Well I think that instinctively we naturally are built to nurture someone. We spend our entire lives playing house and building them. Naturally we would do the same in adulthood. But what we are failing to fully understand, that it is okay to support and nurture your mate, it is not okay to take a model that will never be a compatible match and change them into something you desire. The desire must be within themselves. Change will never occur unless the person experiencing the changes want it to happen. And I fully believe that not everyone is perfect, and there will always be something that is incompatible. But those are the small sacrifices you make. It’s like building a sundae. You may want ice cream, fudge, whip cream, nuts and a cherry on top. But maybe your partner is nut less (innuendo purposely placed), and that is something you can complete with your personality.
Bottom line to all this is there is no perfect time to meet Mister or Misses right. It will happen when is is meant to happen. And it will not happen until you define exactly what you are seeking in your partner. So quit changing who you are. You are just fine. Find someone who completes your heart’s desire. Then your happily ever after will happen. "Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action rather it is "timing" and it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles, and in the right way"-Fulton J. Sheen